7 Urgent Reasons to Hire a Freelance Fashion Copywriter

7 Urgent Reasons to Hire a Freelance Fashion Copywriter


  • Save money

  • Get content when you need it

  • Get a focused writer

  • Get a fashion expert AND marketing pro

  • Quality and detailed writing

  • Reduce your stress

  • Focus on your business instead

If you have found your way to this page, chances are you’re considering hiring a freelance fashion copywriter or some sort of copywriting agency to help you with an overwhelming content and copy creation workload within your business.

You might have an upcoming product description task that you already know is going to be far too time-consuming to do yourself. Or maybe you’re considering the difference between taking on a full-time fashion writer or a freelance support worker. But you’ve found yourself here.

So, let’s try to clear a few things up and help you make the best decision for your business. 

“A blend of full-time employees and freelancers leaves your business more cost-effective”.


There is a plethora of reasons and benefits behind hiring a freelance fashion copywriter. There are a few obvious benefits and then actually a few things that you might not have even thought about yet.

Not only can hiring a professional freelance writer help simply get the things done that you need doing, but it could also actually save your business money and make your business money.

Stick with this article and I’ll show you how. 

 Let’s take a look one by one at the top seven reasons you should hire a freelance fashion writer to create your content. 

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Save Cash on A Full-time Salary

If you’ve realised that there’s no way you can keep up with all the copywriting for your business yourself or you simply don’t want to do it because you don’t enjoy it or writing just isn’t your cup of tea, you might be considering hiring a full-time or even part-time fashion writer.

However, this is expensive. And potentially wasteful. You’re not necessarily going to have full-time work for this person and the days where content creation is low is a real waste on your resources. 

When it comes to a freelance fashion writer, you will either agree on a price per project or a price per hour or day, which means that you only pay for the work you’re getting done and nothing more.

No wasted hours with little to show for it and no set wages leaving the business account every month and draining the profits. 

Hiring a freelance fashion writer gets the expertise on your books for when you need it without long-term investment and taking on a full-time employee.

Don’t forget, when you hire an employee instead of outsourcing freelance work, you will also be responsible for PAYE taxes and National Insurance Contributions of your employees as well as things like pension contributions and employers’ liability insurances to name a few extra costs.

All of these things can make employment even more expensive later down the line. 


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Get Content Done as and When You Need

There will be plenty of times that you need copy creating at the drop of a hat. Once you’ve built a great working relationship with a fashion writer you can trust, all of these moments will no longer create a pang of stress and anxiety.

Instead, you know exactly who you’re going to and have someone you can trust to respond quickly and get the job done on time.

This point again links back to the fact that you can save money hiring freelance against paying for a full-time employee. Pay for your content as and when you need and don’t pay when you don’t need it. Simple.  


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Benefit from Absolute Focus

Unless you have a full-time copywriter on board within your business, which you probably don’t if you’re here, then the person doing the copywriting right now is either you, a business partner or another employee.

No matter which of these options is happening within your business, it means your copy and content is being created by someone who was hired to do something else

This is a problem because it not only takes away their attention and time from other projects and tasks within the business that are equally important, but it also means they are never completely focused on the copywriting task at hand.

This could lead to errors and reduce the overall quality of your content affecting things like customer experience and even the search engine optimisation of your website. So, putting it bluntly, it is just a bad idea. 

With a freelance fashion copywriter, their absolute focus is on your copy and content. Without distractions and other work to fit in for the same business, a freelance writer will be focusing entirely on your project for the duration of it with expertise in both fashion and the delicacies of writing for the digital sphere. 

Which leads up nicely into our next point…

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Get the Best of Both Worlds

As I started to mention previously, when you hire a fashion writer, you get to benefit from the expertise of two worlds that have met, creating a specific skill for the modern digital and e-commerce landscape. 

Without a freelancer, you might have a fashion expert that works in your business creating your copy and content. This person might know the brand inside and out and have a wealth of knowledge at hand about the fashion industry and the latest trends. However, this person isn’t a trained and experienced marketer or copywriter with extensive experience in crucial things, such as SEO. 

On the other hand, you might decide to hire a professional copywriter who has the technical expertise backed with mountains of qualifications to certify that they know how to write

And maybe so.

But this person doesn’t necessarily know the ins and outs of branding and marketing. Or the details and history of the fashion industry and the latest and most important news sweeping the industry, alongside an in-depth knowledge about clothing and accessories themselves. 

With a freelance fashion copywriter, you get all of the above. 

You’ll find yourself with a skill set available to you that only a fashion copywriter can claim with extensive knowledge on the intricacies of the written word, alongside an in-depth knowledge and experience of the digital marketing arena. 


On top of this, you have someone who really knows what they’re talking about when it comes to fashion.

From designers and industry trends to the detailed pattern work and construction of each and every piece of clothing in the collection as well as the fabric and trim details, a fashion copywriter is the only person who can bring everything together to create the best possible copy and content for your website. Producing words that exude your brand’s ethos, sell the product, and inspire your customers.

All with subtlety, personality and embedded SEO tactics to get your brand found on Google.  

Bringing together the skill of a writer, the creativity of a marketer and a knowledge and love of the fashion industry, hiring a freelance fashion writer gets the job done. Properly. 

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Fresh Eyes Make All the Difference

Sometimes you can be so involved in every single detail of a brand from top to bottom that when it comes to actually putting down on paper the information that really matters, you can find yourself either or with far too many to make sense of.

A fresh pair of eyes, working from outside the brand can often be exactly what copy needs to relay a message from the brand’s perspective that the customer will really be able to hear. 

Coming at your content with a customer-centric approach alongside an SEO-oriented focus, a freelance fashion copywriter will see parts of your business that you know so well yourself that you wouldn’t even remember to mention.

With an eye for the details and knowledge of how to communicate these details best to your customers, a fashion writer knows how to delve into a brand’s psyche and really get to know them. 

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Seriously Reduce Your Stress Levels

Imagine suddenly having a professional, reliable and trustworthy fashion writer (not to mention fashion expert) taking over all your copy from product description writing to blogging.

Imagine the stress of having to constantly think about what needs to be done lifting from your mind and disappearing, giving you the confidence that it’s being worked on in the background. 

Reducing your stress is a key part of how Lifestyle Copywriting works. That’s why when I first get to know you and your business, I might ask a fair few questions to really gain an understanding of your brand and how you like to work. So that I can then take the project and run with it, without the need for micro-management or constant checks and updates.

LC just gets your fashion copywriting and content sorted. 

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Refocus on Your Business

If you’re running or starting up your own e-commerce business, you’ll have a hundred things on your to-do list, which gets longer and busier every time you tick something off. Right? 

Apologies if you’re not a list person, but here at Lifestyle Copywriting, we’re all over a thorough to-do list.

Contracting out your fashion copywriting and setting a job aside that has probably been plaguing you a little since you realised the volume of copy that needs to be created will open up so much of your time, allowing you to refocus on your business.

The day-to-day running of an online fashion business, not to mention the admin, buying, other digital marketing and everything else that needs doing can then become a focus for you. This leaves your copy tasks to arrive complete and ready to be published in your inbox.

Sound good?

Finally, let’s take a look at a couple of stats around the freelance world that might just convince you that hiring freelance instead of full-time is the future.


So, think a having a professional freelance fashion copywriter on hand could be beneficial to your business?

Sick of feeling overwhelmed with the amount of copy you need to constantly create when running an e-commerce brand?

But don’t want to spend your hard-earned profits hiring a full-time writer that you might not always need? 

If this feels like you, it sounds to me like you already know that you need a little extra help. 

And remember, this is a good thing. 

It means your business is so great that you can’t possibly do everything yourself.

So, if you want to chat more about how Lifestyle Copywriting can help your business by creating your fashion copy and content, just get in touch. There is a bunch of different options and every project is tailored to suit the individual client.

Whether you have a huge on-coming project ahead or simply want to try out blogging on your site to help with SEO, starting with just a few, drop us a message and let have a discussion. 

Feel free to take a look around the site and see the product description packages, blog management options, as well as many other services on the copywriting services page. You can also get to know us a little more and find out what we’ve been up to with some examples of previous work for our lovely clients and even our client testimonial page, which I’m starting to feel a little bit proud about. 

In the meantime, we’d love to hear from you, drop us a quick message at the contact page or email kate@lifestylecopywriting.com and we’ll get straight back to you. 

Thanks for dropping by! Keep an eye on the blog for more fashion and lifestyle copywriting news, tips and info each week!

Until then…

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Lifestyle Copywriting, Founder.

Why Hire A Freelance Fashion Copywriter? - INFOGRAPHIC

Why Hire A Freelance Fashion Copywriter? - INFOGRAPHIC